Capital’s Progress: Podcast and Game

4 min readNov 26, 2019
Virtual World Business Enterprises Incorporated

It is November 26, 2019. 8:30 am, in southern VA near Raleigh, its a stangely warm and mild wintery November day, No birds are chirping, no leaves are falling, no wind is blowing. Stillness, as if there is something wrong with the world. I sit in the captains seat (my computer chair). Im not jacked in, yet, headphones and Oculus Rift are off, and I am sitting here with my eyes closed. Its early and I should be relaxed, I am a Doctor of Physical Therapy, I have the respect of my online virtual community Cryptovoxels and I really love how art is all in your head and virtual reality is all in your head, and that the two intertwine. I bought a place in the virtual world because I thought I was going to learn coding and how to create, but it seems as though its more fun to be an art supporter than an art creator. I usually love flying around the world with my virtual customized wings, bought not from a corporation, or a large scale tore, but from another user like myself. I dream of supporting more and more virtual stuff and (getting out of the fiate based money system and government sponsored medical profession), I start to think about money. My body was getting warmer and I could feel strange anxiety starting within my soul. This was the day after I opened up a bank account to try to formally offroad a portion of my savings into cryptocurrency and the task was charged with potential catastrophe as the virtual money space is still in its nascent stage. What if i did it wrong, what if I thought I did it right and what if I actually lost my money? (Times are hard, fewer and fewer people have insurance, — this equals less work for us doctors — -I am going into my retirement savings account and currently not paying my car bill). I have been thinking of insulating my money for the future by investing in bitcoin…

Suddenly, my phone beeps. I used to have Robinhood Stocks and I formerly used to trade and watch stocks and although I never bought this thing called Bitcoin, (although) I have been interested in this virtual money for a while. I was under the impression that the Bitcoin is the future of money, so why did my beeping phone reveal that Bitcoin price was quickly crashing. (7117.35 USD) If Bitcoin is the next new thing, why wouldn’t the price slowly and continuously go up? Suddenly my confidence in the knowledge of a virtual based future was challenged.. Was I wrong to want to get out of this fiat money and out of the Medical profession? I look outside. I realize that I have lots of energy and nowhere to place this energy. I have always felt a passion for this space.. Walking around with my oculus rift on my eyes, and I feel young and capable wen I wear tis setup. I had plans to talk about my concerns in the virtual space and to support virtual businesses that make the world a better place — weddings, funerals, parties.. but I see now that there is an even greater need — that of education. We are all in this together, I sit and meditate, even pray, and now I see what must be done. I have not only passion , but purpose.. I need to do a nonprofit sponsorless podcast that invites people into virtual reality and art and that can transcend their current situation to see the big picture. In educating others of which direction to go, and where to put their money, I help them and I help the world. It is in this moment. 8:30 November 26 2019 southern Virginia that I Calultron, under amazonelope and supported by the Virtual World Business Enterprises Inc. company will commit to running an educational podcast twice a week.

  • We will have no sponsors, no profit, this is from the goodness of our hearts, we will support games, art, weddings and funerals in the cryptovoxels virtual world, a place- where you can visit now, and you can go to Open Sea marketplace to buy token for playing the virtual game associated with this podcast. As well as token for a customized virtual wedding or a customized funeral for anyone anywhere in the world for 1 eth.. (if you have internet and ether or bitcoin.. or if you wanted , you could simply send therocket.eth some ether, any time, any day.
  • We will broadcast the video on Anchor podcast as well as embedded in the virtual world so that (based on Einstein’s theory of relativity), with relative time and space, you can be there with me.. Also this is very similar to the model of the weddings and funerals. Free.

THIS IS MY MISSION AND I CHOOSE TO ACCEPT IT! Look for therocket podcast and go to and teleport to Le Marais, where therocket build is located, or just type in the rocket and go there directly, and join me today, don’t get left behind, on Earth to starve get your VR butt in gear today, as SOS says save our ship and as the slogan for NASA- “for the benefit of all!!”




Full of energy, vivad professonal servie provider, (music, dancing, education. Passionate about World Coin ID 2023 fortress,,